Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Blog

Hey all I started a new blog in Jan. It has pictures and stories of Evelyn.

The blog is:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa and Slow Down

Evelyn is seven and half months old! How the heck did that happen? I feel like it was May just yesterday and now it will be Christmas in a week. Oh I am so behind. I have my decorations up, plastic tree and all. Evee is in love with the tree and our stuffed snowman. She always waves to both as soon as we take into the living room. I have hubby's gifts wrapped but that is it. In fact today I ordered some little things for Evelyn's stocking, even though I bought a ton of gifts for her. It is her First Christmas and she is most definitely getting spoiled. Oh well! We took the little munchkin to see Santa and she was so happy. Also after Thanksgiving some friends of ours threw our annual Friendsgiving/Friendsmas party. Evelyn loved playing with the other little ones, although one little girl was a little disappointed when Evee did not chase after her. Munchkin is mobile, rolling and scooting mostly. No crawling yet  and boy does she get mad about that. It is so freaking cute! I can not believe how fast she is growing. She know wears size three diapers, is mostly in her 9 month clothes (and some 6-9/6-12 month things), has two teeth (and more coming), can wave, and feed herself melties (baby snacks). Evelyn is enjoying her rice cereal and baby food. She seems to prefer fruit to veggies, just like mommy. I gave her a little taste of turkey at Thanksgiving and she made a face. No more meat (even mashed) until she can sit up a little better on her own. I can hardly believe how much my little girl has grown. I am excited to celebrate Christmas with her, hubby, and my parents. I hope she likes her gifts but have a feeling she will just be trying to eat the paper instead. Here are some pictures of my little cutie! Enjoy!

Monday, November 7, 2011

6 months old!

In her short life, Evelyn has seen a lot and traveled many miles. She has weathered tornadoes, an earthquake (luckily not felt), a hurricane, and a freak October snowstorm. She has been up to Maine twice and the weekend before Halloween we went down to Pennsylvania for a family wedding. Evelyn rolled over from her tummy to her back on October 21st and has not stopped rolling since. She loves to roll around on her handmade quilt, reaching for different toys. Evee is getting really good at sitting up on her own and trying to get her knees up when on her tummy. I have a feeling she is going to be crawling soon! Evelyn is growing too, she know wheres 6-9month clothes (mostly 9 month, this girl is long!) and size three diapers (a bit big). She is even cutting her first tooth! She got dressed up for Halloween and then Friday Mommy took her to get holiday pictures done. They turned out super cute! Evelyn is such a sweet, easy baby and we count our lucky stars that she stays happy through most trials! Here are some cute pictures, I promise another update soon.

Evelyn in her Halloween outfits!

                                                                                           Happy six month birthday!

Friday, October 7, 2011

5 moths and 2 days Old!

Evelyn is growing so fast, I can hardly keep up with her. Or my blog.

At her four month check up Evelyn was 26 inches long (95%) and weighed 13lbs and 10oz (50%). She is a long, lean baby and I love it. The next day (9/10) I was sorting through her clothes. She is now wearing 3-6 month onesies and even fits into a lot of her 6 month clothes. I found these cute 3-9 month onesies at Target that have come in handy. I had her in her crib with her mobile on when Evee started fussing. I looked at her and saw that she had rolled completely over onto her stomach. A few nights later she woke up "asking" for food, when I went to get her she was on her stomach again looking up at me with a big grin. Evelyn has been sleeping on her stomach since, for about two weeks now!

Another bit of good news is that I got a new job. I just finished my third week working as a paraprofessional. I enjoy my job so far but it is very hard leaving Evelyn. Luckily my parents and in-laws have graciously agreed to handle the day care. Makes leaving her a little easier, but not much.

Evelyn has now almost outgrown her infant car seat. She is very aware and loves to play, "sing", giggle, and roll from her back to her tummy. Evee loves to bounce in her exersaucer and taking apart the crocodile on it every time we try to put him back together. She is able to sit in her stroller with being in her car seat as of her fifth month birthday. We make sure to have blankets around her so Evee does not bounce around to much. My cousin is going to get married at the end of this month, so Evelyn and I (hubby is working that weekend) are going down to see Great-Grandma (again) and all her Great-Aunts and Uncles. Everyone is excited to meet her. And now for some cuteness....


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Four Months Old!

I feel so bad. I have been neglecting my blog. But when you are trying to balance job hunting, house keeping, and taking care of baby, you do not have much time for blogging. Evelyn is a wonderful baby! She has been to our family cabin in Maine twice now and loved it both times. She met her Uncle Dan (my brother) and soon to be Aunt Jenny. They loved playing with her and seeing her bright smile. Evelyn looks forward to seeing them again as well. Here is a picture of her hanging at the cabin with her new friend, Mr. Moose.

Evelyn is growing and changing with each passing day. She smiles and giggles now. And being an awesome baby, she sleeps 7 to 8 hours a night! Usually Evee wakes up, eats, and then goes back down for another two hours. She is just a precious doll and I love her to bits. Evelyn has another doctor's appointment this Friday and I can not wait to see how much she has grown. I feel bad because she has to get more shots. Last time her little cry fest broke Mommy's heart! Overall Evelyn makes our lives brighter and full of love each and every day! Here is a picture of Evee on her four month birthday. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ten weeks and growing!

Evelyn had her two month check up on Thursday.  Evelyn is now 23 and 1/2 inches long. She weighs 11 lbs and 5 oz. She is in the 80th % for height and 50th % for weight. Her doctor said she is just perfect, growing appropriately for her age and gender. Hubby was a bit worried about her weight, but I was the same way as a baby. Her doctor thinks Evelyn will be tall and slender. She did have to get her first round of shots and a drink. Mommy was more upset then baby by the whole ordeal. Evelyn cried when they gave her the shots but was soon comforted by me. She did very well and even dozed off not long after the whole ordeal. Yesterday she was running a bit of a fever, but nothing above 100 degrees, which the doctor said was perfectly normal. 

Yesterday was a big night out for myself and my husband. We went to a wedding and were away from Evelyn for the longest amount of time yet. Thankfully my mom was able to baby-sit and Evelyn did very well with her. Hubby and I had a wonderful time eating, dancing, and playing Rock Band at the wedding. We missed our daughter but it was nice to get out and act like grown-ups. Today we are taking it easy. We are heading over to his parents for a dip in their pool.

Evelyn is such a bright girl She smiles, "talks", loves to play and explore the world. She is easy going and has discovered her hands and can self-soothe a bit with them. Evelyn also rolled over once, from her tummy to her back but so far she has not done it again. She can get onto her side but then gets stuck. We go to Baby and Me classes every Wed and Evee seems to enjoy them. All three of us are looking forward to our trip up North next month. Here is a picture of Evelyn on her two-month brithday:

Monday, June 27, 2011

29 Years Young...

It was my 29th birthday on June 25th. And I did absolutely nothing. Hubby had to work and my parents were way at a family wedding. My in-laws stopped over to say hello and gave me some lovely flowers and a present ($). Hubby already gave me my gift, a Pandora bracelet! I already have two charms (one for my bday and one because I change the majority of the diapers). My early bday gift was an Iphone from my parents and it is one of my favorite presents of all time. Evie and I were able to go out to Target, where I promptly bought three things for her. Lol, that is the way you roll when you are a mom. Evie is doing well...she gave me the best present. She slept through the night! She has been sleeping 4 to 6 hours a night since her month check up.

We have been busy here. Hubby is working a lot and I have been trying to keep Evelyn entertained during the rainy days. She went to her first big party over Father's Day weekend and did okay. Got really cranky about half way through due to the hot weather and the fact she had not had a nap all day. She is growing still and has out grown most of her 0-3 onesies because Evie is just too long for them. Our next trip is to my in-laws to use their pool. I'm going to stick Evie's feet in and see how she likes it. Then another party in July and in August we are taking Evelyn to Maine! I can not wait. Nor can I believe how fast the summer is going. I dread returning to work and not getting to spend time with my cuddle bug. Oops got to run, Evelyn is awake and fussy. Here is a picture of her smile to brighten your days.